09:00 - 22:30
Monday - Sunday


Live healthy every day, immediately remember tea

Only a few thousand 1 bunch, but the tree is a precious "Pharmaceutical" of Eastern medicine, classified as a natural antibiotic that is better than Western medicine.

According to Oriental Medicine, the leaves have the effect of clearing heat, stimulating digestion, preventing flatulence and indigestion. The bitter substance in the leaves will stimulate the secretion of more digestive juices, and the tannins protect the intestinal mucosa. The essential oil in the leaves has antibacterial properties but does not harm the beneficial bacteria in the gut. Along with a lot of antibiotic ingredients in the tree with the ability to kill many types of disease-causing bacteria along with great uses:

Support treatment of gout

Buds and leaves of the tree support to increase the digestive process, reduce the amount of fat entering the body. At the same time, the leaves and buds also have the effect of detoxifying, clearing heat and diuretic.

People with gout will have a lot of uric acid in the body, especially in the joints, causing red, painful swelling. Drinking tapioca leaf water can eliminate uric acid from the body, limiting swelling and pain in the joints.

Control blood sugar

People with diabetes, if they persist in drinking tea regularly, will help regulate and maintain the stability of blood sugar, while supporting the body to reduce blood fat, fight against cell oxidation.

Support in the treatment of blood lipids

You can use the leaves or buds of the tree to make tea and drink it every day. After a period of persistent use, you will see an improvement in blood fat.

Support in the treatment of burns

The ingredients in the bark of the tree have quite high antiseptic properties. When the skin is slightly burned, use the bark of the trunk of the tree to pound it, mix it with boiling water to cool it, and apply it to the burn. Burns will stop swelling, redness and limit the formation of bacteria, quickly reducing burning pain.

Support treatment of hepatitis - jaundice

People with hepatitis and yellow disease can use the roots of the leaves with decoction, from 500ml of decoction on low heat to 250ml, divided into 2 times a day.

Effective in treating flatulence, indigestion

Use the bark of the trunk to take away the water, sharpen it from 500ml to 200ml and divide it into 2 times a day.

(*) Note:

Although it is a healthy drink, it does not mean that you can take advantage of drinking a lot every day. Want to drink tap water to support a healthy body should note:

DO NOT drink tap water on an empty stomach or drink water that is too thick.
Do not drink fresh water: The use of fresh leaves has very strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents that can lead to blood loss and destroy beneficial bacteria. In fact, our people often take fresh leaves to crush, cook with boiling water to get condensed water to wash their hair effectively to treat impetigo.
Only dry leaves should be used to boil drinking water regularly.
Drink only one glass or one kettle of water per day.

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