09:00 - 22:30
Monday - Sunday


Quick detox secret for people who are just getting sick

By using a cup, cupping takes advantage of heat or vacuum to suck all the air in the tube, creating negative pressure, causing instant blood stasis on the treatment area, bringing many miraculous functions. for health:

✔️ DETOXICATION - THINKING: Cupping takes advantage of heat or vacuum to suck out all the air in the tube, creating negative pressure, causing instant blood stasis on the treatment area or at certain acupoints to help with the treatment. except for toxic heat, and all kinds of evil gases such as wind, welding, fat, blood stasis ... through the pores to help reduce swelling, dissolve stasis, and relieve pain.

✔️ Regulates Bleeding: One of the causes of many diseases is blocked or hardened blood vessels, which reduces the blood supply to the organs, and the excretion of waste products slows down. Cupping until the skin is red will accelerate blood circulation and metabolism in the body, improve the nutritional status of cells, change the dilation of blood vessels and the permeability of the mucosa. Increase blood circulation speed, release energy for the body.

✔️ REMOVED SUPPLEMENTARY CODES: Under the effect of heat and vacuum suction at acupuncture points on the slimming area, cupping helps to open the meridians, stimulates increased venous drainage and lymphatic system to help release the entire body. Excess fat has been liquefied and toxins have accumulated, blocking blood circulation and eliminating through the body's natural excretory system.

Restoring balance for the nervous system: Cupping therapy acts as a sedative for the central nervous system: reduces stress and anxiety responses, relaxes the mind, regulates emotions contact returns to equilibrium.

Stemming from the principle of yin and yang, using heat to treat cold in the body, cupping is applied in the treatment of many diseases:

Prolonged cough: Cupping at the acupoints of both backs.
Cold and hot diseases: For cold patients, it is necessary to keep the patient warm.
Osteoarthritis pain: Perform at painful joints.
Abdominal pain, abdominal boiling: Perform abdominal and lumbar acupoints.
Back pain due to kidney failure, bone and joint pain due to cold
Obesity: the effect of heat and the effect of vacuum will help increase metabolism and fat breakdown to reduce fat.
Headache, dizziness, red, painful eyes; asthma, or chronic sputum asthma
Abdominal pain, bloating, loose stools.

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